Autel MK906Pro vs. MK906BT vs. MK908P vs. Ultra Lite

What’s the differences between Autel MK906 Pro, MK906BT, MK908P & Ultra Lite diagnostic scanner? As top 4 selection from customers in 2022, here we have made a comparison for reference.


MK906Pro vs. MK906BT vs. MK908P vs. Ultra Lite

Item Autel MaxiCOM MK906PRO Autel MaxiCOM MK906BT Autel MaxiCOM MK908P Autel MaxiCOM Ultra Lite
Price €1,149 €1,029 €1,899 €2,499
Release time 2022 2020 2019 2022
CPU Qualcomm 660 Exynox 5260 Exynox 5260 Exynox 8895
RAM+ROM 4G+128G 2G+64G 2G+64G 4G+256G
Battery 11600mAh 10000mAh 15000mAh 18000mAh
System Android 10.0 Android 4.4.4 Android 4.4.2 Android 7.0
Screen 8-inch, 1920*1200 8-inch, 1024*600 10.1-inch, 1920*1200 12.9-inch, 2732*2048
WiFi 2.4 & 5 GHz 2.4 Ghz 2.4Ghz 2.4 & 5 GHz
Camera 16M+16M  Rear 8M  Rear 8M 16M+5M
VCI V200 V100 MaxiFlash Elite MaxiFlash VCI
Read & clear codes
Data stream
Special functions
Action test
Benz online programming × ×
BMW online programming × ×
Benz online coding(SCN) × ×
BMW online coding
Audi online coding × ×
Porsche online coding
VW online coding
BMW hidden features
VW, Audi, Skoda hidden features
VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Man LD guidance
Bently guidance
McLaren, Tesla diagnosis × × ×
Auto VIN
Scan VIN × ×
Scan license × ×
Remote desk
D-PDU/RP1210 × × ×
Pre & Post Scan
WiFi print × ×
Endoscope(MV105/ MV108)
Battery test(BT506) ×
Remote expert × × ×
Report on Cloud
Smart diagnose × × ×
Topology mapping × × ×
Language Muti-language Muti-language Muti-language Muti-language
Upgrade cost 495USD/year 695USD/year 1295USD/year 1295USD/year
Renault gateway supported
FCA Auto Auth(North America)



  1. Price

MK906BT < MK906 Pro < MK908P < Ultra Lite

– MK906BT is the cheapest;

– Ultra Lite is most expensive.


  1. Hardware

– MK906 Pro has latest Android system & highest resolution cameras;

– Ultra Lite has largest RAM, ROM, battery capacity & screen. MaxiFlash VCI is most advanced among four.

– The main difference between MK906BT & MK908P is battery capacity, screen & VCI.


  1. Software

MK906BT < MK906 Pro < MK908P < Ultra Lite

– Ultra Lite covers all features of the others. It also supports McLaren/Tesla diagnosis, D-PDU/RP1210 diagnostic standard, remote expert, smart diagnose, topology mapping while others do not.

– Only MK908P & Ultra supports Benz/BMW online programming, Benz/Audi online coding.


  1. Upgrade Cost

MK906 Pro < MK906BT< MK908P = Ultra Lite



Autel MK906 Pro is the most cost-efficient that has latest features & configuration.

Autel MK906BT is the cheapest, suitable for users on a budget.

Autel MK908P can be a cheaper alternative for Ultra Lite.

Autel Ultra Lite is the most feature-rich and advanced diagnostic tool. It works as well just as the Ultra.


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