This is 2023 Lexus LX570 original key and I’m gonna to add a spare key with Autel MaxiIM KM100 for this car. Without further ado, let’s start
- Check Key Numbers
IMMO >> Lexus >> Manual selection >> USA >> LX570 >> 2016-2021 smart key >> Yes >> Control unit >> Keyless system(CAN) >> Number of smart keys
Turn on hazard warning lamps.
Number of keys: 3
- Erase Key
Erase smart key >> Turn on hazard warning lamps
Autel KM100 Notice:
This function clears all smart keys but the selected ones that have been retained.
Learned locations include: 3
All smart keys(except the selected smart keys that have already been retained) will be cleared.
Press “OK” to continue.
Put the original key close to ignition.
Clearance is completed.
Go back to check key numbers, number of keys: 1
- Add Key
Press “Add smart key”.
Turn on hazard warning lamps.
Notice: Each step must be completed within the specified time.
The position for learning include: 6
Put a learned smart key close to the START button.
Put a smart key to be learned close to the START button.
Learning succeeded.
Check key numbers, number of keys: 2
Check the new key, it’s working.
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