Here we provide Autel MaxiIM IM608 II Flash Package Free Download to reinstall the system. In case the device was stuck or crashed, you can try this method.
Where to free download IM608 II Flash Package?
Free download link:
Size: 3.86GB
How to flash Autel IM608 Pro2?
Please try to follow step: 1, 3, 4 to flash the device firstly.
If still not work, try to follow step:2,3,4 to flash the device
Step1. Enter Burning Mode with TF Card
- 1. Copy the “dv2123″folderto the root directory of the TF card;
- Insert the TF card into IM608 Pro2 tablet, then restart The tablet will automatically enter the burning mode
- Connect the motherboard to the PC through usb, and we can see the devicein PCManager.
Step2. Enter The Flashing Step
- Open the top cover of the device, unplug the battery at the device end, reconnect itand power off the device. The power indicator light does not light up;
- Press and hold the button on the motherboard and connect the miniUSB, only for 906Pro-660 models.
Step3. Flash Driver & Flash Tool Installation
- Unzip the flash driver and toolkit QPST_2.7.496.zip;
- Install the driver, click the option in the middle of Driver “Qualcomm USB Driver V1.0.exe” and click Next;
- Install the flashing tool, click “2.7.496.1.exe” and click next until the installation is completed;
- Open the flashing tool and enter qfil in the system search box;
- Wait for the port to display 9008, select as shown below;
- Select the program storage location;
- Load xml;
- Click download and release the button on the motherboard until Download success.
Step4. NV Configuration
- Copy the NvConfigs directory in the firmware to the root directory of the TF card or U disk or push it to the /sdcard directory;
- Open the serial number burning APP, click to write NV configuration;
- Check the corresponding NV, click OK, the device will restart automatically;
- After the writing is successful, the device will restart automatically (if there is a failure in the writing item, the device will not restart automatically);
- After restarting, enter the management program interface, open the management program, click Settings > About, view the product name, and display the corresponding product.
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